1754 West 16th Street
Erie, PA 16505

Frequently Asked Questions:


Where is A Store Lock Self Storage located?

A Store Lock Self Storage is located at 1754 West 16th Street, Erie, PA 16505.  See map below.

On what days and times can I access my unit?

A Store Lock is conveniently open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.  Exterior lighting illuminates the grounds.

What is the length of the lease?

One month.

Is there a deposit required?

We charge a refundable security deposit equal to one month rent.

What is the total amount due?

The first month rent along with a one month deposit plus applicable sales tax.

How do I get my deposit back?

Remove all of your belongings, sweep the unit, and return the lock and key to the office, along with your forwarding address.

Are the units heated?

The units are not heated.

Is there electrical power within the units?


Do you plow snow in the winter, so I can access my unit?

Yes, we snowplow the lot.

Do you provide the lock or do I?

We provide a cylinder lock and key.


Conveniently Located Near I-79 and Bayfront Parkway




A Store Lock Self Storage is a division of

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